Sometimes, you have to explain yourself. Sometimes, you have to explain society. People often question the validity of a celebrity's fame. This includes, but is not limited to: reality television stars; family of actual famous people; and digital media stars. I have taken it upon myself to explain just exactly why these people matter.
You may find Octomom attractive. She has surgerically altered herself to look like Angelina Jolie. By the overwhelming majority of accounts, Angelina Jolie is hot. But, she has by ruined, by Octomom. Every time I see Angelina Jolie I see the absurd.
It is not human. Call me a hypocrite for my love of Kate Gosselin but, I have yet to see a similar picture of Mrs Gosselin. In addition to that, I struggle with plastic surgery. If you think plastic surgery makes a woman hot, hump a manikin.
Somebody wants to hump Octomom. That is the only explanation for what you are about to see. It makes me question my sexuality (From The Superficial).
Help. If this is woman, I want no part of it.
Champs > Chumps
The deed done and the outcome settled, App State senior QB trotted off the
field for the final time in a Black & Gold Yellow. It was a well-earned
curtain ...
7 years ago
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