Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Staged? Anderson Cooper.

Clayton is cynical.  He rarely believes what he sees.  Actually, that is not true.  His cynicism is random.  Most of the time he can be duped into anything but, sometimes something catches his eye.


Anderson Cooper saves a Haitian boy.

Perhaps you have already seen the clip.  If you frequent, you almost certainly have stumbled upon it.  CNN will tell you and I will remind you.  This video contains graphic images...and Anderon Cooper's pythons.

"Way to pat yourself on the back."

That was my first thought when I saw the link to this story at CNN.  They have devoted an entire section of headlines to this story (which obviously makes sense, it should be and is the biggest story in the world).  The second headline was this story.  Am I to believe that CNN believes that this one act (which is heroic if I am wrong) is the second most important Haiti related story?

Honestly, best case scenario is CNN has jumped at the opportunity to appear as the "network that cares."  Worst case scenario?  The mic up their reporter on the scene, douse a kid in ketchup, and through a crowd of rioters.

Proof?  I have none.  But, watch that video again.  In all that commotion, Cooper is the only person you hear.  Should we really believe that a producer in that chaos had the presence of mind to leave his microphone on.


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