Monday, March 29, 2010

This is Why They Hot...Meghan McCain

Sometimes, you have to explain yourself.  Sometimes, you have to explain society.  People often question the validity of a celebrity's fame.  This includes, but is not limited to:  reality television stars; family of actual famous people; and digital media stars.  I have taken it upon myself to explain just exactly why these people matter.


Meghan McCain.

The last name should be familar to you.  She is the daughter of Arizona Senator and former Presidential candidate John McCain.  She may not make the tabloids like Bristol Palin but, she should.

If you follow politics, you know that her mother is the heiress of a beer distribution fortune.

Her father is a Senator.

Her mother has beer.

Do you realize how much trouble one can get into and then out of, with that kind of access?

Not to mention, her father lost.  Nobody cares what she does while the Obama daughters are dreaming about one of the Jonas Brothers.

Oh...there are those other two things you may have noticed in the picture.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I don't Get It...Twilight

Well, first of all, vampires are lame.  Twilight makes it worse.  But, what I really don't get is why it seems like everybody is chasing after this person.

I just don't see it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kitty Report


Jakey Jake


Oh yeah.  Pretty much everybody else.

For reals.  At this point don't expect a spectacular NFL season.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Did You Know I'm on This Horse?

I've reached a point of no return.  Now, I only purchase products based off of the commercials.  As a matter of fact, I never knew what Etrade was but, I got rid of that crap when I saw their new baby.  Apparently, I'm a homer of Lindsey Lohan.

But, I do buy Old Spice!

They didn't pay me.  But, they should.